
Showing 1-20 of 75 items.

TrueBlack™ Lipofuscin Autofluorescence Quencher

Catalog ID Size Pricing
TB-250-1 1 mL $ 161.00


TrueBlack™ is a new alternative to Sudan Black B for the quenching of lipofuscin autofluorescence in tissue sections for immunofluorescence staining. Lipofuscin consists of highly autofluorescent granules of oxidized proteins and lipids that build up in the lysosomes of aging cells. Lipofuscin granules fluoresce brightly in all channels used for fluorescence microscopy and accumulate in a variety of cell and tissue types with age. It’s necessary to quench or mask lipofuscin fluorescence in certain adult human tissues or aged animal tissues in order to properly image specific immunofluorescence signals.

Sudan Black B has traditionally been used to quench lipofuscin autofluorescence by incubating tissue sections with the dye after immunofluorescence staining. However it also introduces uniform, non-specific background fluorescence in the red and far-red channels, limiting the use of fluorescent dyes in those wavelengths.

Product Specifications

Catalog ID TB-250
Storage/Handling Store at room temperature.
UN Number 2265
Item Class 3
Group Number III
Packs & Pricing
TB-250-1 In stock 1 mL $ 161.00

1 kb DNA Ladder

Catalog ID Size Pricing
D010-500 500 µL $ 49.00
D010-1000 2 x 500 μL $ 95.00
D010-1500 3 x 500 μL $ 135.00
D010-2000 4 x 500 μL $ 169.00
D010-2500 5 x 500 μL $ 189.00
D010-3000 6 x 500 μL $ 215.00


A unique combination of a number of proprietary plasmids digested with appropriate restriction enzymes and PCR products to yield 13 fragments, suitable for use as molecular weight standards for agarose gel electrophoresis. The DNA includes fragments ranging from 250-10,000 base pairs. The 1K and 3K bands have increased intensity to serve as reference points. The approximate mass of DNA in each band is provided (0.5 μg a load) for approximating the mass of DNA in comparably intense samples. The ladder is ready-to-use, and is premixed with loading buffer dye for direct loading on gel.

Product Specifications

Catalog ID D010
Storage/Handling Store at room temperature for 6 months. Store at -20°C for 24 months.
Packs & Pricing
D010-500 In stock 500 µL $ 49.00
D010-1000 In stock 2 x 500 μL $ 95.00
D010-1500 In stock 3 x 500 μL $ 135.00
D010-2000 In stock 4 x 500 μL $ 169.00
D010-2500 In stock 5 x 500 μL $ 189.00
D010-3000 In stock 6 x 500 μL $ 215.00

1 kb PLUS™ DNA Ladder

Catalog ID Size Pricing
D011-500 500 µL $ 62.00
D011-1000 2 x 500 μL $ 115.00
D011-1500 3 x 500 μL $ 165.00
D011-2000 4 x 500 μL $ 210.00
D011-2500 5 x 500 μL $ 245.00
D011-3000 6 x 500 μL $ 275.00


The 1 kb PLUS™ is composed of 14 individual DNA fragments: 25K, 10K, 8K, 6K, 5K, 4K, 3K, 2.5K, 2K, 1500, 1000, 750, 500, 250 base pairs. This product contains two enhanced bands (3K and 1K bp) for easy reference. The ladder is ready-to-use, and is premixed with loading buffer dye for direct loading on gel.

Product Specifications

Catalog ID D011
Storage/Handling Store at room temperature for 6 months. Store at -20°C for 24 months.
Packs & Pricing
D011-500 In stock 500 µL $ 62.00
D011-1000 In stock 2 x 500 μL $ 115.00
D011-1500 In stock 3 x 500 μL $ 165.00
D011-2000 In stock 4 x 500 μL $ 210.00
D011-2500 In stock 5 x 500 μL $ 245.00
D011-3000 In stock 6 x 500 μL $ 275.00

100 bp DNA Ladder

Catalog ID Size Pricing
D001-500 500 µL $ 49.00
D001-1000 2 x 500 μL $ 95.00
D001-1500 3 x 500 μL $ 135.00
D001-2000 4 x 500 μL $ 169.00
D001-2500 5 x 500 μL $ 189.00
D001-3000 6 x 500 μL $ 215.00


A unique combination of PCR products and a number of proprietary plasmids digested with appropriate restriction enzymes to yield 11 fragments, suitable for use as molecular weight standards for agarose gel electrophoresis. The DNA includes fragments ranging from 100-1,500 base pairs. The 500 and 1,500 base pair bands have increased intensity to serve as reference points. The approximate mass of DNA in each band is provided (0.5 μg a load) for approximating the mass of DNA in comparably intense samples of similar size. The ladder is ready-to-use, and is premixed with loading buffer dye for direct loading on gel.

Product Specifications

Catalog ID D001
Storage/Handling Store at room temperature for 6 months. Store at -20°C for 24 months.
Packs & Pricing
D001-500 In stock 500 µL $ 49.00
D001-1000 In stock 2 x 500 μL $ 95.00
D001-1500 In stock 3 x 500 μL $ 135.00
D001-2000 In stock 4 x 500 μL $ 169.00
D001-2500 In stock 5 x 500 μL $ 189.00
D001-3000 In stock 6 x 500 μL $ 215.00

100 bp PLUS™ DNA Ladder

Catalog ID Size Pricing
D003-500 500 µL $ 49.00
D003-1000 2 x 500 μL $ 95.00
D003-1500 3 x 500 μL $ 135.00
D003-2000 4 x 500 μL $ 169.00
D003-2500 5 x 500 μL $ 189.00
D003-3000 6 x 500 μL $ 215.00


A unique combination of PCR products and a number of proprietary plasmids digested with appropriate restriction enzymes to yield 12 fragments, suitable for use as molecular weight standards for agarose gel electrophoresis. The DNA includes fragments ranging from 100-3,000 base pairs. The 500 and 1,500 base pair bands have increased intensity to serve as reference points. The approximate mass of DNA in each band is provided (0.5 μg a load) for approximating the mass of DNA in comparably intense samples of similar size.The ladder is ready-to-use, and is premixed with loading buffer dye for direct loading on gel.

Product Specifications

Catalog ID D003
Storage/Handling Store at room temperature for 6 months. Store at -20°C for 24 months.
Packs & Pricing
D003-500 In stock 500 µL $ 49.00
D003-1000 In stock 2 x 500 μL $ 95.00
D003-1500 In stock 3 x 500 μL $ 135.00
D003-2000 In stock 4 x 500 μL $ 169.00
D003-2500 In stock 5 x 500 μL $ 189.00
D003-3000 In stock 6 x 500 μL $ 215.00

50 bp DNA Ladder

Catalog ID Size Pricing
D100-500 500 µL $ 62.00
D100-1000 2 x 500 μL $ 115.00
D100-1500 3 x 500 μL $ 165.00
D100-2000 4 x 500 μL $ 210.00
D100-2500 5 x 500 μL $ 245.00
D100-3000 6 x 500 μL $ 275.00


A unique combination of PCR products and a number of proprietary plasmids digested with appropriate restriction enzymes to yield 17 fragments, suitable for gel electrophoresis. The DNA includes fragments ranging from 50-1,500 base pairs. The 200 and 500 base pair bands have increased intensity to serve as reference points. The approximate mass of DNA in each band is provided (0.5 g a load) for approximating the mass of DNA in comparably intense samples of a similar size.The ladder is ready-to-use, and is premixed with loading buffer dye for direct loading on gel.

Product Specifications

Catalog ID D100
Storage/Handling Store at room temperature for 6 months. Store at -20°C for 24 months.
Packs & Pricing
D100-500 In stock 500 µL $ 62.00
D100-1000 In stock 2 x 500 μL $ 115.00
D100-1500 In stock 3 x 500 μL $ 165.00
D100-2000 In stock 4 x 500 μL $ 210.00
D100-2500 In stock 5 x 500 μL $ 245.00
D100-3000 In stock 6 x 500 μL $ 275.00

5X Luciferase Lysis Buffer

There is no image for 5X Luciferase Lysis Buffer 5X Luciferase Lysis Buffer
Catalog ID Size Pricing
L-740-15 15 mL $ 24.00


5X Luciferase Lysis Buffer is a concentrated cell lysis buffer that is designed for use with GoldBio’s Illumination™ Firefly Luciferase Enhanced Assay Kit.The kit is supplied with enough lysis buffer to perform the stated number of assays.This 5X Luciferase Lysis Buffer is sold separately for use with the kits when more lysis buffer is required.

5X Luciferase Lysis Buffer is not compatible with Renilla Luciferase or the Illumination™ Renilla Luciferase Enhanced Assay Kit.For Renilla luciferase assays, use 5X Passive Lysis Buffer (GoldBio Catalog # L-745).

Storage/Handing: Store at -20°C.

Product may be shipped at ambient temperature without reducing performance. Please place at the recommended storage conditions upon receipt of the product.

Product Specifications

Catalog ID L-740
Storage/Handling Store at -20°C.
Packs & Pricing
L-740-15 2-3 Weeks 15 mL $ 24.00

6X Blue Loading Dye

Catalog ID Size Pricing
L002-5 5 mL $ 29.00
L002-10 2 x 5 mL $ 59.00
L002-20 4 x 5 mL $ 109.00
L002-50 10 x 5 mL $ 249.00


GoldBio's 6x Blue DNA Loading Dye is pre-mixed buffer designed for tracking the DNA sample during the electrophoresis on agarose or polyacrylamide gels. It contains two dyes (Xylene cyanol FF and Bromophenol blue) for tracking the DNA migration. The Xylene cyanol FF and Bromophenol blue migrate at approximately 4,000 bp and 500 bp on a standard 1% TAE agarose gel respectively (800 bp and 150 bp on a 2% TAE agarose gel respectively). The included glycerol keeps the DNA at the bottom of the well and the presence of EDTA chelates divalent metal ions to prevent the process of metal-dependent nuclease.

Product Specifications

Catalog ID L002
Storage/Handling Store at 4°C.
Packs & Pricing
L002-5 In stock 5 mL $ 29.00
L002-10 In stock 2 x 5 mL $ 59.00
L002-20 In stock 4 x 5 mL $ 109.00
L002-50 In stock 10 x 5 mL $ 249.00

6X GelRed™ Prestain Loading Buffer with Orange Tracking Dye

Catalog ID Size Pricing
G-735-1 1 mL $ 94.00


GelRed™ is an ultra-sensitive, extremely stable and environmentally safe fluorescent nucleic acid dye designed to replace the highly toxic ethidium bromide (EtBr). 6X GelRed™ Prestain Loading Buffers are gel loading buffers containing density agents, tracking dyes, and GelRed dye. The 6X prestain loading buffer is added to samples in place of gel loading buffer and eliminates the need to add fluorescent DNA dye to the agarose gel during casting.

6X GelRed™ Prestain Loading Buffer with Orange Tracking Dye contains an orange electrophoresis tracking dye that run at approximately 50 bp in a 1% agarose gel.

GelRed™ and EtBr have virtually the same spectra, so you can directly replace EtBr with GelRed without changing your existing imaging system. In addition, GelRed™ is far more sensitive than EtBr, which cannot be used in DNA loading buffer to prestain DNA. GelRed™ is compatible with downstream applications such as sequencing and cloning. GelRed™ is efficiently removed from DNA by commercial gel extraction kits or by phenol/chloroform extraction and ethanol precipitation.

Product Specifications

Catalog ID G-735
Storage/Handling Store at 4°C. Protect from light.
Packs & Pricing
G-735-1 In stock 1 mL $ 94.00

6X Green Loading Dye

Catalog ID Size Pricing
L001-5 5 ml $ 29.00
L001-10 2 x 5 ml $ 59.00
L001-20 4 x 5 ml $ 109.00
L001-50 10 x 5 ml $ 249.00


GoldBio's 6x Green DNA Loading Dye is a pre-mixed buffer for tracking DNA samples during the electrophoresis on agarose or polyacrylamide gels. It contains two dyes (Xylene cyanol FF and Orange G) for tracking the DNA migration. The Xylene cyanol FF and Orange G migrate at approximately 4,000 bp and 50 bp on a standard 1% TAE agarose gel respectively (800 bp and 30 bp on a 2% TAE agarose gel respectively). The included glycerol keeps the DNA at the bottom of the well and the presence of EDTA chelates divalent metal ions to prevent the process of metal-dependent nuclease.

Product Specifications

Catalog ID L001
Storage/Handling Store desiccated at -20°C.
Packs & Pricing
L001-5 In stock 5 ml $ 29.00
L001-10 In stock 2 x 5 ml $ 59.00
L001-20 In stock 4 x 5 ml $ 109.00
L001-50 In stock 10 x 5 ml $ 249.00

Agarose LE (Molecular Biology Grade)

Catalog ID Size Pricing
A-201-100 100 g $ 125.00
A-201-500 500 g $ 415.00
A-201-1000 1 kg $ 705.00


Agarose LE (Low Electroendosmosis) is Molecular Biology Grade and is specifically designed for the superior separation of nucleic acids, with maximally crisp band resolution, and is also ideal for cloning and cloning related experiments.

GoldBio Agarose LE is refined in an advanced process that excludes the use of organic solvents. The result is a cleaner end-product with significantly reduced environmental impact. The agarose can be used for analyses of nucleic acids from 50 bp to 25 kbp, protein electrophoresis and various blotting protocols.

The low EEO of the agarose promotes increased electrophoretic mobility, yielding improved resolution and shorter run times. This also allows macromolecules and larger particles (subcellular fragments, viruses, etc.) to migrate more freely through the gel matrix. The consistently low EEO reduces band distortion (caused by counterflow) that can result from the presence of excessive sulfate-rich negative ions.

Agarose is a natural product that forms an inert matrix used in electrophoresis, chromatography and other molecular biology and biochemistry techniques. Likewise, it is neutral and easily derivatizable, so it is easy to bind to its structure proteins like enzymes, antigens or antibodies. Toxicity absence makes working with agarose very convenient.

Product Specifications

Catalog ID A-201
CAS # 9012-36-6
Storage/Handling Store at room temperature.
Packs & Pricing
A-201-100 In stock 100 g $ 125.00
A-201-500 In stock 500 g $ 415.00
A-201-1000 In stock 1 kg $ 705.00

Auxo-Agro™ LBA4404 Chemically Competent Cells

Catalog ID Size Pricing
CC-167-5x50 5 x 50 μL $ 189.00
CC-167-10x50 10 x 50 μL $ 335.00
CC-167-15x50 15 x 50 μL $ 449.00


GoldBio’s new Auxo-Agro™ competent cells are methionine auxotrophic strains of Agrobacterium which reduce overgrowth during the infection process while increasing plant transformation efficiency.

Our LBA4404 strain of Agrobacterium tumefaciens can be used in genetic transformation of tomato, tobacco and other plants. After transformation, antibiotics are commonly used to remove Agrobacterium. However, even in the presence of antibiotics, there can be overgrowth of the Agrobacterium strain which can create a more difficult experimental protocol. Auxo-Agro™ cells help to solve this problem when selection is performed in both minimal media without Methionine in combination with selective antibiotics, such as Timentin, Cefotaxime or Meropenem.

GoldBio’s LBA4404 Agrobacterium chemically competent cells allow you to obtain high transformation efficiency in applications such as gDNA or cDNA library construction. Our LBA4404 strain harbors a rifampicin resistance (rif) gene. Furthermore, LBA4404 has an octopine-type Ti plasmid pAL4404 without self-transport function, containing the vir genes.

Product Specifications
Competent cell type: Chemical Competent
Species: A. tumefaciens
Strain: LBA4404∆Met
Format: Tubes
Transformation efficiency: ≥1 x 104 cfu/µg pCAMBIA1391z DNA
Blue/white screening: No

Packs & Pricing
CC-167-5x50 In stock 5 x 50 μL $ 189.00
CC-167-10x50 In stock 10 x 50 μL $ 335.00
CC-167-15x50 In stock 15 x 50 μL $ 449.00

Auxo-Agro™ LBA4404 Electrocompetent Cells

Catalog ID Size Pricing
CC-267-5x50 5 x 50 μL $ 199.00
CC-267-10x50 10 x 50 μL $ 359.00
CC-267-15x50 15 x 50 μL $ 485.00


GoldBio’s new Auxo-Agro™ competent cells are methionine auxotrophic strains of Agrobacterium which reduce overgrowth during the infection process while increasing plant transformation efficiency.

Our LBA4404 strain of Agrobacterium tumefaciens can be used in genetic transformation of tomato, tobacco and other plants After transformation, antibiotics are commonly used to remove Agrobacterium. However, even in the presence of antibiotics, there can be overgrowth of the Agrobacterium strain which can create a more difficult experimental protocol. Auxo-Agro™ cells help to solve this problem when dual selection is performed in both minimal media without Methionine in combination with selective antibiotics, such as Timentin, Cefotaxime or Meropenem.

GoldBio’s LBA4404 ElectroCompetent Agrobacterium cells allow you to obtain high transformation efficiency in applications such as gDNA or cDNA library construction. Our LBA4404 strain harbor a rifampicin resistance (rif) gene. Furthermore, LBA4404 has an octopine-type Ti plasmid pAL4404 without self-transport function, containing the vir genes.

Product Specifications
Competent cell type: ElectroCompetent
Species: A. tumefaciens
Strain: LBA4404∆Met
Format: Tubes
Transformation efficiency: ≥4 x 106 cfu/µg pCAMBIA1391z DNA
Blue/white screening: No

Packs & Pricing
CC-267-5x50 In stock 5 x 50 μL $ 199.00
CC-267-10x50 In stock 10 x 50 μL $ 359.00
CC-267-15x50 In stock 15 x 50 μL $ 485.00

Bacterial Cell Lysis Buffer

Catalog ID Size Pricing
GB-177-100 100 mL $ 75.00
GB-177-500 500 mL $ 145.00
GB-176-100 100 Preps $ 199.00
GB-176-250 250 Preps $ 345.00
GB-176-500 500 Preps $ 639.00


The Bacterial Cell Lysis Kit has been developed for the extraction of biologically active, soluble proteins and inclusion bodies from bacterial cells. The Bacterial Lysis Buffer is a proprietary improvement on the lysozyme based lysis method, which allows extraction of soluble proteins and concurrent removal of nucleic acids (DNA & RNA) released during cell lysis. The kit’s lysis eliminates viscosity build-up, allowing effective clarification with lower centrifugal forces.

Product Specifications

Catalog ID GB-177
Storage/Handling Store at 4°C. Do NOT freeze.
Packs & Pricing
GB-177-100 In stock 100 mL $ 75.00
GB-177-500 In stock 500 mL $ 145.00
GB-176-100 In stock 100 Preps $ 199.00
GB-176-250 In stock 250 Preps $ 345.00
GB-176-500 In stock 500 Preps $ 639.00


Catalog ID Size Pricing
B-560-50 50 mg $ 60.00


Bithionol is an anti-parasitic compound used for oncology research and molecular biology research. It induces apoptosis in cancerous cells occurs through activating proteolytic caspases. These caspases inactivate PARP-1(Poly [ADP-ribose] polymerase 1) which triggers an intrinsic pathway for apoptosis. Intrinsic apoptotic pathways result in compromising mitochondria and in this case by decreasing transmembrane potential. Reactive oxygen species then accumulate and rupture the mitochondria, releasing cytochrome c an apoptotic inducer.

Bithionol has been used to better understand enzyme allosteric regulation and the mechanism of soluble adenylyl cyclase inhibition, a bicarbonate sensor. Bithionol has been shown to occupy the bicarbonate binding site on soluble adenylyl cyclase. It has also been utilized in research to elucidate the role of mitochondrial potassium channels in preventing ischemia reperfusion injuries in mice.

Product Specifications

Catalog ID B-560
CAS # 97-18-7
MW 356.05 g/mol
Packs & Pricing
B-560-50 2-3 Weeks 50 mg $ 60.00

BLUEstain™ 2 Protein ladder, 5-245 kDa

Catalog ID Size Pricing
P008-500 500 µL $ 120.00
P008-1000 2 x 500 μL $ 235.00
P008-1500 3 x 500 μL $ 345.00
P008-2000 4 x 500 μL $ 445.00
P008-2500 5 x 500 μL $ 540.00
P008-3000 6 x 500 μL $ 625.00


The BLUEstain™ 2 Protein ladder is a three-color protein standard with 13 prestained proteins, covering a wide range molecular weights from 3.5 to 245 kDa. Proteins are covalently coupled with a blue chromophore except for two reference bands (one green and one red band at 25 kDa and 75 kDa respectively) when separated on SDS-PAGE (Tris-glycine buffer).

The BLUEstain™ 2 Protein ladder is designed for monitoring protein separation during SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, verification of Western transfer efficiency on membranes (PVDF, nylon, or nitrocellulose) and for approximating the size of proteins. The ladder is supplied in gel loading buffer and is ready to use. Do not heat, dilute or add reducing agent before loading.

Product Specifications

Catalog ID P008
Storage/Handling Store at 4°C for 3 months. Store at -20°C for 24 months.
Packs & Pricing
P008-500 In stock 500 µL $ 120.00
P008-1000 In stock 2 x 500 μL $ 235.00
P008-1500 In stock 3 x 500 μL $ 345.00
P008-2000 In stock 4 x 500 μL $ 445.00
P008-2500 In stock 5 x 500 μL $ 540.00
P008-3000 In stock 6 x 500 μL $ 625.00

BLUEstain™ Protein ladder, 11-245 kDa

Catalog ID Size Pricing
P007-500 500 µL $ 120.00
P007-1000 2 x 500 μL $ 235.00
P007-1500 3 x 500 μL $ 345.00
P007-2000 4 x 500 μL $ 445.00
P007-2500 5 x 500 μL $ 540.00
P007-3000 6 x 500 μL $ 625.00


The BLUEstain™ Protein ladder is a three-color protein standard with 12 prestained proteins covering a wide range molecular weights from ~11 to 245 kDa. Proteins are covalently coupled with a bluechromophore except for two reference bands (one green and one red band at 25 kDa and 75 kDa respectively) when separated on SDS-PAGE (Tris-glycine buffer). The BLUEstain™ Protein ladder, is designed for monitoring protein separation during SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, verification of Western transfer efficiency on membranes (PVDF, nylon, or nitrocellulose) and for approximating the size of proteins. The ladder is supplied in gel loading buffer and is ready to use.

Product Specifications

Catalog ID P007
Storage/Handling Store at 4°C for 3 months. Store at -20°C for 24 months.
Packs & Pricing
P007-500 In stock 500 µL $ 120.00
P007-1000 In stock 2 x 500 μL $ 235.00
P007-1500 In stock 3 x 500 μL $ 345.00
P007-2000 In stock 4 x 500 μL $ 445.00
P007-2500 In stock 5 x 500 μL $ 540.00
P007-3000 In stock 6 x 500 μL $ 625.00


There is no image for D-Leucine D-Leucine
Catalog ID Size Pricing
L-270-50 50 g $ 93.00
L-270-100 100 g $ 175.00
L-270-250 250 g $ 412.00
L-270-500 500 g $ 772.00


Leucine is an alpha-amino acid used in the biosynthesis of proteins that is not synthesized by animals and must be ingested. Leucine is an activator of mTOR, stimulating muscle protein synthesis. Leucine is also used in hemoglobin formation.

D-Leucine has been used to protect mice from seizures and D-leucine specifically terminates seizures in mice after in the onset of seizure activity, while in breast cancers it can inhibit system L(LAT1) based growth. D-Leucine also triggers the disassembly of amyloid fibers linking biofilms.

Product Specifications

Catalog ID L-270
CAS # 328-38-1
MW 131.17 g/mol
Packs & Pricing
L-270-50 2-3 Weeks 50 g $ 93.00
L-270-100 2-3 Weeks 100 g $ 175.00
L-270-250 2-3 Weeks 250 g $ 412.00
L-270-500 2-3 Weeks 500 g $ 772.00

D-Luciferin Firefly, free acid

Catalog ID Size Pricing
L-123-250 250 mg $ 199.00
L-123-500 500 mg $ 336.00
L-123-1 1 g $ 441.00


Tested and Certified for in vivo imaging (See "Luciferin FAQ" in additional information)

Luciferin is a common bioluminescent reporter used for in vivo imaging of the expression of luciferase. This substrate for the firefly luciferase enzyme utilizes ATP and Mg2+ as cofactors to emit a characteristic yellow-green emission in the presence of oxygen, which shifts to red light in vivo at 37°C. Through the utilization of ATP, the reaction can be further used to indicate the presence of energy or life in order to function as a life-death stain.

Luciferin is a common reagent used throughout the biotechnology field and specifically for in vivo imaging. Luciferase labeled tumor cells, stem cells or infectious diseases are often inoculated into research animals such as rats or mice for investigation. The injection of luciferin allows for the real-time, noninvasive monitoring of disease progression and/or drug efficacy in these model systems through Bioluminescence Imaging (BLI).

Luciferin is also commonly used for in vitro research, including luciferase and ATP assays, gene reporter assays, high throughput sequencing and various contamination assays.

Firefly Luciferin is identical to Beetle Luciferin. (See "Additional Information" for structures.)

Product Specifications

Catalog ID L-123
CAS # 2591-17-5
MW 280.33 g/mol
Storage/Handling Store desiccated at -20°C. Protect from light.
Packs & Pricing
L-123-250 2-3 Weeks 250 mg $ 199.00
L-123-500 2-3 Weeks 500 mg $ 336.00
L-123-1 In stock 1 g $ 441.00

D-Luciferin, Potassium Salt (Endotoxin Free)

Catalog ID Size Pricing
eLUCK-100 100 mg $ 77.00
eLUCK-250 250 mg $ 184.00
eLUCK-300 300 mg $ 215.00
eLUCK-500 500 mg $ 273.00
eLUCK-1G 1 g $ 345.00
eLUCK-2G 2 x 1 g $ 628.00
eLUCK-3G 3 x 1 g $ 933.00
eLUCK-4G 4 x 1 g $ 1,232.00
eLUCK-5G 5 x 1 g $ 1,526.00
eLUCK-10G 10 x 1 g $ 3,023.00


Luciferin is a common bioluminescent reporter used for in vivo imaging of the expression of luciferase. This water soluble substrate for the firefly luciferase enzyme utilizes ATP and Mg2+ as cofactors to emit a characteristic yellow-green emission in the presence of oxygen, which shifts to red light in vivo at 37°C. Through the utilization of ATP, the reaction can be further used to indicate the presence of energy or life in order to function as a life-death stain.

Luciferin is a common reagent used throughout the biotechnology field and specifically for in vivo imaging. Luciferase labeled tumor cells, stem cells or infectious diseases are often inoculated into research animals such as rats or mice for investigation. The injection of luciferin allows for the real-time, noninvasive monitoring of disease progression and/or drug efficacy in these model systems through Bioluminescence Imaging (BLI).

Luciferin is also commonly used for in vitro research, including luciferase and ATP assays, gene reporter assays, high throughput sequencing and various contamination assays.

Product Specifications

Catalog ID eLUCK
CAS # 115144-35-9
MW 318.42 g/mol
Storage/Handling Store desiccated at -20°C. Protect from light.
Packs & Pricing
eLUCK-100 In stock 100 mg $ 77.00
eLUCK-250 In stock 250 mg $ 184.00
eLUCK-300 In stock 300 mg $ 215.00
eLUCK-500 In stock 500 mg $ 273.00
eLUCK-1G In stock 1 g $ 345.00
eLUCK-2G In stock 2 x 1 g $ 628.00
eLUCK-3G In stock 3 x 1 g $ 933.00
eLUCK-4G In stock 4 x 1 g $ 1,232.00
eLUCK-5G In stock 5 x 1 g $ 1,526.00
eLUCK-10G In stock 10 x 1 g $ 3,023.00

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