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15 Laboratory Notebook Tips to Help with your Research Manuscript
Your lab notebook is a foundation to your research manuscript. It serves almost as a rudimentary dra...

A Quick Guide to Literary Research
At this point, we’ve become very aware that good sources for our papers are peer-reviewed sources. T...

12 Ways to Dramatically Improve your Research Manuscript Title and Abstract
The first thing a person doing literary research will see is a research publication title. After tha...

Proteinase K – Solution vs. Lyophilized Powder
What are lyophilized reagents Lyophilization, or freeze-drying, is a preservation process that remov...

Why Science Publications Remain Difficult to Read Despite Calls for Change
With social media platforms such as Twitter, Instagram, Reddit, YouTube and Facebook, more scientist...

How Do I Prevent RNase Contamination of My Proteinase K?
RNase is a nuclease, which is an enzyme that breaks down nucleic acids such as RNA and DNA into smal...

How to judge the quality of proteinase K
Often, enzymes such as proteinase K are evaluated heavily for their activity. Since the role of an e...

Introduction to Competent Cells
What are competent cells? Cell competence refers to a cell’s ability to take up foreign (extracell...

How to Manage Sick Days as a Researcher
It’s 6 a.m. and you had a rough night of coughing, a runny nose and a massive headache. Despite the...