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E. coli Homologous Recombination: How It Works and Influences on Cloning
Homologous recombination is the exchange of sequences that occurs between two similar (homologous)...
Understanding Auxotrophic Mutants: Yeast and Bacterial Cloning Tools
Auxotrophic mutants are bacteria, yeast, protoplast or mammalian host cell strains that can’t produc...
Introduction to Phosphatases and Phosphatase Inhibitor Cocktails
Four Primary Steps and Tools for NGS Data Analyses
What do you do with millions of data? It is a recurrent question in sequencing projects. Analyzing N...
Western Blot Deep Dive: What It Is and How It Works
Western blot, also called immunoblot, is a commonly used technique for qualitatively and quantitativ...
Why And How Proteins Are Used in Bioscience
Proteins are determinants of cell, tissue and organ structure and physiology. Proteins are a class o...
Introduction to Blotting Techniques in Molecular Biology techniques are used to detect and anal...
Tips for Choosing Between Heat Shock or Electroporation
Choosing the right transformation method and being successful is always tricky. Choosing between h...
Nourseothricin Overview
Nourseothricin is an aminoglycoside antibiotic and is a mixture of streptothricin D and F (>85%),...