Imidazole, Recrystallized

Product Description

Imidazole is a planar 5-membered ring. It is a highly polar, highly water soluble amphoteric compound. Imidazole is often used to elute tagged proteins bound to metal ions attached to the surface of beads in a chromatography column by displacing the His-tag from the metal ion and freeing the His-tagged proteins. Imidazole is also commonly used as a buffer for enzymatic reactions and has a buffering pH range of 6.2 - 7.8.

Recrystallized Imidazole from GoldBio is specially purified Imidazole designed for histidine tagged protein purification. We purify the Imidazole at Gold Biotechnology’s labs and go through multiple purification steps including ultrafiltration and recrystallization to obtain the most purified Imidazole on the market. The final Imidazole product is tested in our labs for elution of tagged protein from Ni columns.

Product Specifications:
Sterile filtered and recrystallized Imidazole;

Molecular Biology Grade
Protease Free

Formula: C3H4N2

MW: 68.08 g/mol

Ships in 25 g units

PubChem Chemical ID: 795

Product Specifications

Catalog ID I-902
CAS # 288-32-4
MW 68.08 g/mol
Storage/Handling Store at room temperature.
UN Number 3263
Item Class 8
Group Number III

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