Biochemical Reagents

GoldBio has a wide variety of analytical and organic reagents to ensure your research is accurate. For testing and classification purposes, we also offer a range of dyes, stains and indicators along with substrates and standards that will help you identify and analyze everything from biochemical interactions to bacterial classifications. In addition, our stock of pharmaceutical intermediates will help you build research grade molecules. All of these products are offered at the highest grade to ensure that you get the most accurate results.
Showing 81-100 of 197 items.

Arachidoyl-DL-carnitine chloride

Catalog ID Size Pricing
A-327-100 100 mg $ 309.00


Arachidoyl-DL-carnitine chloride
Eicosanoyl-DL-carnitine chloride

Product Specifications

Catalog ID A-327
CAS # 149116-07-4
MW 492.17 g/mol
Storage/Handling Store at -20°C. Protect from light.
Packs & Pricing
A-327-100 2-3 Weeks 100 mg $ 309.00

Basic Fuchsin

Catalog ID Size Pricing
F-060-25 25 g $ 79.00
F-060-100 100 g $ 189.00


Basic fuchsin is a fluorescent dye composed of rosaniline, magenta II, pararosaniline and new fuschsine. Basic fuchsin staining is certified to use for the detection of acid-fast bacilli and is commonly used in the Ziehl Neelsen staining method.

This dye has also been shown to stain tubercle Bacillus and to compare E. coli and Aerobacter aerogenes.

Product Specifications

Catalog ID F-060
CAS # 632-99-5
MW 337.85 g/mol
Packs & Pricing
F-060-25 2-3 Weeks 25 g $ 79.00
F-060-100 2-3 Weeks 100 g $ 189.00

Benzalkonium chloride

There is no image for Benzalkonium chloride Benzalkonium chloride
Catalog ID Size Pricing
B-350-250 250 g $ 119.00
B-350-500 500 g $ 232.00
B-350-1 1 kg $ 458.00
B-350-2 2 kg $ 892.00


Benzalkonium chloride is a cationic detergent and member of the quaternary ammonium compounds. It is studied for its effect on epithelial conjunctival cells in vitro.

Product Specifications

Catalog ID B-350
CAS # 63449-41-2
MW Varies
Packs & Pricing
B-350-250 2-3 Weeks 250 g $ 119.00
B-350-500 2-3 Weeks 500 g $ 232.00
B-350-1 2-3 Weeks 1 kg $ 458.00
B-350-2 2-3 Weeks 2 kg $ 892.00

Benzamidine Hydrochloride Monohydrate

Catalog ID Size Pricing
B-050-50 50 g $ 73.00
B-050-100 100 g $ 117.00
B-050-250 250 g $ 204.00
B-050-500 500 g $ 335.00
B-050-1 1 kg $ 553.00


Benzamidine hydrochloride monohydrate is an aromatic amidine. It is used in protein extractions as a strong reversible inhibitor of serine proteases such as trypsin, thrombin, plasmin and other trypsin-like proteases. Compared to aprotinin, benzamidine is considered to be just as effective in preventing the degradation of glucogon.

Product Specifications

Catalog ID B-050
CAS # 1670-14-0
MW 174.63 g/mol
Storage/Handling Store desiccated at -20°C. Protect from light.
Packs & Pricing
B-050-50 2-3 Weeks 50 g $ 73.00
B-050-100 2-3 Weeks 100 g $ 117.00
B-050-250 2-3 Weeks 250 g $ 204.00
B-050-500 2-3 Weeks 500 g $ 335.00
B-050-1 2-3 Weeks 1 kg $ 553.00


Catalog ID Size Pricing
B-255-500 500 mg $ 130.00
B-255-1 1 g $ 229.00
B-255-2 2 g $ 382.00
B-255-5 5 g $ 649.00
B-255-10 10 g $ 1,145.00



Product Specifications

Catalog ID B-255
CAS # 51379-07-8
MW 414.31 g/mol
Storage/Handling Store at 4°C. Protect from light.
Packs & Pricing
B-255-500 2-3 Weeks 500 mg $ 130.00
B-255-1 2-3 Weeks 1 g $ 229.00
B-255-2 2-3 Weeks 2 g $ 382.00
B-255-5 2-3 Weeks 5 g $ 649.00
B-255-10 2-3 Weeks 10 g $ 1,145.00

Bis(trifluoromethane)sulfonimide lithium salt

Catalog ID Size Pricing
B-340-10 10 g $ 60.00
B-340-25 25 g $ 96.00
B-340-50 50 g $ 149.00
B-340-100 100 g $ 238.00
B-340-250 250 g $ 388.00


Bis(trifluoromethane)sulfonimide lithium salt is an electrolyte used in lithium batteries with high conductivity. Additionally, it has been used as an ionic liquid to prepare gel polymer electrolytes and to prepare a chiral imidazolium salt.

Product Specifications

Catalog ID B-340
CAS # 90076-65-6
MW 287.09 g/mol
Storage/Handling Store under inert gas at room temperature. Protect from light.
UN Number 2923
Item Class 8 (6.1)
Group Number II
Packs & Pricing
B-340-10 2-3 Weeks 10 g $ 60.00
B-340-25 2-3 Weeks 25 g $ 96.00
B-340-50 2-3 Weeks 50 g $ 149.00
B-340-100 2-3 Weeks 100 g $ 238.00
B-340-250 2-3 Weeks 250 g $ 388.00


Catalog ID Size Pricing
B-900-250 250 g $ 103.00


Bis-acrylamide is the most frequently used crosslinking agent for protein separation applications in polyacrylamide gels. Bis-acrylamide powder is freely soluble in water (20 mg/mL) and 2% bis-acrylamide solution is a standard solution used in most electrophoresis applications.

Bis-acrylamide is used to create crosslinks between acrylamide to generate polyacrylamide gel in electrophoresis gels. The ratio of bis-acrylamide to acrylamide manipulates the porous characteristics of the polyacrylamide gel.

Product Specifications

Catalog ID B-900
CAS # 110-26-9
MW 154.17 g/mol
Storage/Handling Store at 4°C.
Packs & Pricing
B-900-250 In stock 250 g $ 103.00

Bis-Acrylamide, 2% Solution

Catalog ID Size Pricing
B-901-500 500 mL $ 84.00
B-901-1 1 L $ 105.00


Bis-acrylamide is the most frequently used cross-linking agent for protein separation applications in polyacrylamide gels. Bis-acrylamide 2% solution is a standard solution used in most electrophoresis applications. When creating a specialized solution that differs from 2%, use bis-acrylamide powder.

Bis-acrylamide is used to create cross-links between acrylamide to generate polyacrylamide gel in electrophoresis gels. The ratio of bis-acrylamide to acrylamide manipulates the porous characteristics of the polyacrylamide gel.

Product Specifications

Catalog ID B-901
CAS # 110-26-9
MW 154.17 g/mol
Storage/Handling Store at 4°C.
Packs & Pricing
B-901-500 2-3 Weeks 500 mL $ 84.00
B-901-1 2-3 Weeks 1 L $ 105.00

Brilliant Green

Catalog ID Size Pricing
B-080-100 100 g $ 87.00


Brilliant Green is a stain for differentiating E. coli from S. typhosa. It is also used in bacteriological media.

Product Specifications

Catalog ID B-080
CAS # 633-03-4
MW 482.63 g/mol
Storage/Handling Store at room temperature.
Packs & Pricing
B-080-100 2-3 Weeks 100 g $ 87.00

Bromocresol Green, Sodium Salt, ACS Grade

Catalog ID Size Pricing
B-091-10 10 g $ 72.00
B-091-25 25 g $ 149.00
B-091-50 50 g $ 238.00
B-091-100 100 g $ 357.00


Bromocresol Green sodium salt is a tracking dye for RNA gels with a pH range of 3.8 (yellow) to 5.4 (blue).

Product Specifications

Catalog ID B-091
CAS # 62625-32-5
MW 720.00 g/mol
Packs & Pricing
B-091-10 2-3 Weeks 10 g $ 72.00
B-091-25 2-3 Weeks 25 g $ 149.00
B-091-50 2-3 Weeks 50 g $ 238.00
B-091-100 2-3 Weeks 100 g $ 357.00

Bromophenol Blue Free Acid, ACS Grade

Catalog ID Size Pricing
B-092-5 5 g $ 39.00
B-092-25 25 g $ 49.00
B-092-100 100 g $ 115.00


Bromophenol blue is a dye for tracking proteins and nucleic acids in gel electrophoresis. Bromophenol blue migrates at about the same rate as ~500bp DNA in a 1% agarose gel and at the buffer front in protein polyacrylamide gels.

Product Specifications

Catalog ID B-092
CAS # 115-39-9
MW 669.96 g/mol
Storage/Handling Store desiccated at room temperature.
Packs & Pricing
B-092-5 In stock 5 g $ 39.00
B-092-25 In stock 25 g $ 49.00
B-092-100 In stock 100 g $ 115.00

Bromothymol blue sodium salt

Catalog ID Size Pricing
B-750-10 10 g $ 91.00
B-750-100 100 g $ 392.00
B-750-250 250 g $ 838.00


No description available

Product Specifications

Catalog ID B-750
CAS # 34722-90-2
MW 646.36 g/mol
Storage/Handling Store at room temperature.
Packs & Pricing
B-750-10 2-3 Weeks 10 g $ 91.00
B-750-100 2-3 Weeks 100 g $ 392.00
B-750-250 2-3 Weeks 250 g $ 838.00


Catalog ID Size Pricing
C-390-100 100 mg $ 129.00
C-390-250 250 mg $ 307.00
C-390-500 500 mg $ 582.00
C-390-1 1 g $ 1,105.00


C-390 is an antibacterial agent which is used for selective isolation of Pseudomonas aeruginosa from other bacterial species.

Product Specifications

Catalog ID C-390
CAS # 77769-31-4
MW 490.05 g/mol
Storage/Handling Store at room temperature. Protect from light.
Packs & Pricing
C-390-100 2-3 Weeks 100 mg $ 129.00
C-390-250 2-3 Weeks 250 mg $ 307.00
C-390-500 2-3 Weeks 500 mg $ 582.00
C-390-1 2-3 Weeks 1 g $ 1,105.00

Caffeic acid phenethyl ester

Catalog ID Size Pricing
C-070-10 10 g $ 101.00
C-070-25 25 g $ 201.00


Caffeic acid phenethyl ester (CAPE) is the active component of propolis, a honeybee hive product. Caffeic acid phenethyl ester is a specific inhibitor of the nuclear transcription factor, NF-κB. CAPE has been shown to significantly suppress the Lipoxygenase pathway of arachidonic acid metabolism during inflammation. Caffeic acid phenethyl ester inhibits HIV-1 integrase, and also inhibits proliferation of transformed cells. It induces apoptosis in transformed fibroblasts, and interferes with EGF signal transduction affecting both protein kinase C and Ornithine Decarboxylase activity.

Product Specifications

Catalog ID C-070
CAS # 104594-70-9
MW 284.31 g/mol
Storage/Handling Store desiccated at -20°C. Protect from light.
Packs & Pricing
C-070-10 In stock 10 g $ 101.00
C-070-25 2-3 Weeks 25 g $ 201.00

Caffeic Acid Pure

Catalog ID Size Pricing
C-100-25 25 g $ 51.00
C-100-250 250 g $ 379.00
C-100-500 500 g $ 632.00


Caffeic Acid is an inhibitor of leukotriene synthesis and a natural dietary compound and antioxidant. It is also an inhibitor of LDL oxidation and 5-lipoxygenase.

Product Specifications

Catalog ID C-100
CAS # 331-39-5
MW 180.16 g/mol
Storage/Handling Store at room temperature.
Packs & Pricing
C-100-25 2-3 Weeks 25 g $ 51.00
C-100-250 2-3 Weeks 250 g $ 379.00
C-100-500 2-3 Weeks 500 g $ 632.00

Coomassie Brilliant Blue G-250

Catalog ID Size Pricing
C-460-5 5 g $ 29.00
C-460-25 25 g $ 39.00
C-460-50 50 g $ 75.00


Coomassie Brilliant Blue G-250 (CBBG) is a member of the Coomassie family and is used as a common analytical dye in SDS-PAGE and BN-PAGE. CBBG can also be used with the Bradford Method to determine protein concentration.

Product Specifications

Catalog ID C-460
CAS # 6104-58-1
MW 854.02 g/mol
Storage/Handling Store desiccated at room temperature.
Packs & Pricing
C-460-5 In stock 5 g $ 29.00
C-460-25 In stock 25 g $ 39.00
C-460-50 In stock 50 g $ 75.00

Coomassie Brilliant Blue R-250

Catalog ID Size Pricing
C-461-5 5 g $ 39.00
C-461-25 25 g $ 55.00
C-461-100 100 g $ 89.00


Coomassie Brilliant Blue R-250 (CBBR) is a member of the Coomassie family and is used extensively as an analytical dye in SDS-PAGE.

Product Specifications

Catalog ID C-461
CAS # 6104-59-2
MW 825.97 g/mol
Storage/Handling Store desiccated at room temperature.
Packs & Pricing
C-461-5 In stock 5 g $ 39.00
C-461-25 In stock 25 g $ 55.00
C-461-100 In stock 100 g $ 89.00

Crystal violet

Catalog ID Size Pricing
C-328-100 100 g $ 89.00


Crystal violet is used in the classification of bacteria and is the active ingredient in Gram stain.

Product Specifications

Catalog ID C-328
CAS # 548-62-9
MW 407.99 g/mol
Storage/Handling Store at room temperature.
UN Number 3077
Item Class 9
Group Number III
Packs & Pricing
C-328-100 2-3 Weeks 100 g $ 89.00

Cytochrome C

Catalog ID Size Pricing
C-640-100 100 mg $ 131.00
C-640-1 1 g $ 582.00


Cytochrome C is a hemoprotein that is found in animal cells in the mitochondrial protein-lipid complex. Cytochrome C is extracted from porcine heart, and further purified by chromatographic method to remove contaminating proteases.

Cytochrome C is an important component in the electron transport chain of the mitochondria. Cytochrome C also plays a role in cellular oxidation and respiration.

This protein has a role in apoptosis pathways, as it is released from the mitochondria to indicate that the apoptosis process has begun.

Product Specifications

Catalog ID C-640
CAS # 9007-43-6
MW 886.90 g/mol
Storage/Handling Store desiccated at -20°C.
Packs & Pricing
C-640-100 In stock 100 mg $ 131.00
C-640-1 In stock 1 g $ 582.00


Catalog ID Size Pricing
C-115-100 100 g $ 137.00
C-115-1 1 kg $ 750.00


D-Cellobiose is used to differentiate bacteria based on carbohydrate fermentation abilities. It is a β-glucosidase substrate.

Product Specifications

Catalog ID C-115
CAS # 528-50-7
MW 342.30 g/mol
Storage/Handling Store at room temperature.
Packs & Pricing
C-115-100 2-3 Weeks 100 g $ 137.00
C-115-1 2-3 Weeks 1 kg $ 750.00

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