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A Quick Overview of Agrobacterium for Plant Transformation
Agrobacterium is nature’s genetic engineer. This bacterium has the ability to transfer a part of its...
How Predatory Bacteria Could Help Us Defeat Harmful Bacteria
Multidrug resistant bacteria are a serious threat to public health worldwide due to the lack of new...
Shooting ‘Poison Arrow’ Drug to Kill Superbugs
Antibiotic resistance has become our worst nightmare worldwide. In hospitals around the world, curre...
How Do Bacteria Develop Antibiotic Resistance?
An antibiotic is an antimicrobial chemical that kills or inhibits the growth of microorganisms. Anti...
Using Firefly's Light to Find a New Cure
Have you ever caught fireflies in the summer and watched as they crawl over your hands? It’s fascina...
Amphotericin B – the Anti-Resistant Antifungal
Antibiotic resistance is certainly more of a rule than a question and one which I have discussed sev...
The Development of New Antibiotics – Countdown to Midnight on the ARA* Clock
(* Antibiotic Resistance Apocalypse) Over the last several weeks, I’ve been discussing the greater...
Antibiotics in the Wild
There are a lot of things that humans believe that they have invented or discovered that just isn’t...