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Time Management Hack: Work Efficiently, Not Longer
Without realizing it, time is up. The day is over. Unfortunately, that means you ran out of time to...

Maintaining Work-Life Balance in Academic Life
Many early career scientists, graduate students and postdocs associate longer hours at work with pro...

Adjunct or Tenure: The Journey of a Life Science Professor
The path to becoming a college professor is long and arduous. To begin, it takes a huge commitment t...

Synthetic Spider Silk Production: Finding the Eco-Friendly Biofactory
Nature provides us with many biodegradable and biocompatible materials waiting for their discovery,...

How to Move Forward for Leaving a Postdoc Position
The majority of graduate students have entered into higher education and postdoctoral training to la...

Overcoming Academic Stressors: Rejection, Impostor Syndrome and Burnout
Early career scientists in academia, such as graduate students and postdocs, often have to deal with...

How to Bounce Back From Manuscript Rejection
You saw a new email coming from a journal regarding the status of your manuscript submission. You ha...

Fun Facts of Hummingbirds
What’s not to like about hummingbirds. These adorable jewel-like birds come to greet you around summ...

Tips to Move on from an Academic Postdoc to an Industry Job
Finally! You finished collecting and analyzing data from your experiments. It means you will soon be...