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The Easiest-to-Understand Overview of Protein Expression
Protein expression in Escherichia coli is one of the most powerful techniques in life sciences. The...

Good Storytelling Transports Us to Another World
Our brain appreciates good storytelling. Storytelling is not just using words and actions to tell st...

How to Detect Cell Culture Contamination
During tissue culture work, finding unwanted contaminated culture flasks can create many issues, inc...

What’s in your Yard? Planting More Native Plants to Boost Biodiversity
In the U.S., over 900 plant species are listed as endangered or threatened. When compared to more th...

Ultimate Guide to Cresol Red: What it is, what it’s for, how to use it
Cresol red is a triarylmethane dye and it can be used as an alternative loading dye for gel electrop...

Overview of T4 DNA Ligase: What it is, how it works, reactions, and more
T4 DNA ligase is an enzyme that fixes broken DNA and seals it – similar to super glue. This particul...

Why Defeating Malaria Is Really Hard for Scientists
Malaria is an ancient disease, but so far, there is still no effective way to eradicate this disease...

The Scents of Honey Bees
Honey bees are remarkable creatures. They are social insects living together harmoniously in the sam...

How Scientists Can Land Their Dream Job After Graduate School
It’s the final year in graduate school, and you might be worrying about how to find a job. The steps...