Guanidine thiocyanate (Guanidine Isothiocyanate)

Product Description

During cell lysis and the extraction of DNA or RNA, denaturing enzymes such as DNase and RNase are released. To prevent DNA or RNA denaturation, the chaotropic agent, Guanadine thiocyanate is the preferred agent for use during cell lysis, and for DNA or RNA extraction. This is because of its strong ability to irreversibly inhibit the activity of DNase and RNase.

Guanadine thiocyanate has also been effective in deactivating enveloped viruses; however, it demonstrates far less effectiveness in nonenveloped viruses.

Product Specifications
Guanidine thiocyanate
Guanidine Isothiocyanate


MW:118.16 g/mol

Color/Purity:White to slightly off-white crystalline powder
Forms a colorless, clear solution when dissolved 35% in water or forms a colorless, clear precipitate (carbonate) when dissolved 20% in acetone.

PubChem Chemical ID:21226105

Storage/Handling:Store desiccated at room temperature. Protect from light.

International shipments MUST be shipped by air (including Canada and Mexico). Shipments of 25 g, 50 g and 100 g will be shipped as multiples of 25 g units to qualify for the small quantity exception. 500 g pack sizes are a hazardous shipment and will incur a hazmat fee, which we estimate to be $65.

Product Specifications

Catalog ID G-210
CAS # 593-84-0
MW 118.16 g/mol
Storage/Handling Store desiccated at room temperature. Protect from light.
UN Number 1759
Item Class 8
Group Number III

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Catalog Number:
{{ currentSelection && currentSelection.sku ? currentSelection.sku : '...' }}
CAS Number:
{{ casNumber && casNumber.value ? casNumber.value : '...' }}
On Sale:
${{ currentSelection.price }} ${{ currentSelection.sale_price }}
{{ currentSelection.availability }}
$12.99 Ground shipping (In continental US only.)

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