Goof-Proof™ qPCR Master Mix

Product Description

Goof-Proof™ qPCR Master Mix is an EvaGreen dye-based hot start master mix for use in DNA melt curve analysis and in Real Time PCR (RT-PCR) applications. Goof-Proof™ is a mistake-prevention master mix which contains a low concentration of blue dye. Additionally, Goof-Proof™ includes a DNA template buffer which has a higher concentration of blue dye. With the addition of the 2X Goof-Proof™ Master Mix to the reaction, it will appear light blue (see Figure 1). And when you add the template, containing DNA template buffer, the color will turn darker blue (see Figure 2).

Goof-Proof™ allows you to see quickly and easily whether you forgot to add the master mix or the template to any of your reactions, preventing pipetting mistakes and wasted time, reagents and money. The 2X Goof-Proof™ Master Mix can also be used without the Template Buffer, if desired.

 Goof-Proof™ qPCR Master Mix figure 1

 Goof-Proof™ qPCR Master Mix Short figure 2

Figure1: 1x Goof-Proof™
Master Mix
Figure 2: 1x Goof-Proof™
Master Mix after adding
1X Goof-Proof™ Template

Kit components

  • Goof-Proof™ 2X Master Mix -
  • The 2X Master Mix contains GoldBio HotStart Taq DNA Polymerase, dNTPs and a low concentration of an inert blue dye. The dye helps the user distinguish between empty wells and wells containing master mix.

  • Goof-Proof™ Template Buffer -
  • The 40X Template Buffer contains a high concentration of inert blue dye. Adding the template buffer to the reaction mix makes it "Goof-Proof" to track which wells have had template added to the PCR reactions. Template Buffer is not required for the Master Mix to function, but is designed to help alleviate mistakes with template addition.

Note: Goof-Proof™ qPCR Master Mix does not include ROX reference dye. For instruments that require either a low or high concentration of ROX reference dye, we offer Goof-Proof™ qPCR Master Mix with Rox (Catalog # G-705) which includes a separate vial of ROX Reference dye, and instructions for how much ROX to add depending on which protocol and instrument you are using.

Storage/Handling: Store the kit at -20°C.

Product may be shipped on blue ice without reducing performance. Please place at the recommended storage conditions upon receipt of the product.

Product Specifications

Catalog ID G-700

View Sizes & Pricing

Catalog Number:
{{ currentSelection && currentSelection.sku ? currentSelection.sku : '...' }}
CAS Number:
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On Sale:
${{ currentSelection.price }} ${{ currentSelection.sale_price }}
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