Blazin' Bright™ Luminescent UV Protein Gel Stain

Product Description

Blazin' Bright™ Luminescent UV Protein Gel Stain is a ready-to-use luminescent protein gel staining solution that is a safer and more effective replacement for traditional fluorescent staining. Gels stained with our Blazin' Bright™ Luminescent UV Protein Gel Stain can be visualized rapidly (5-30 minutes) in a single step without fixation (destaining is optional). The Blazin' Bright™ gel stains are aqueous based, there are no hazardous chemicals like methanol or acetic acid to worry about. Blazin' Bright™ Protein Gel Stain is certified under CCR Title 22 as non-toxic to the environment for drain disposal after a simple pH neutralization step.

Blazin' Bright™ Luminescent UV has a detection limit around 1-10 ng, depending on the detection method used (staining intensity varies between proteins) and does not cause gel shrinkage. Blazin' Bright™ staining is also fully compatible with mass spectrometry (MS) and Edman-based sequencing.

Also check out our Blazin' Bright™ Luminescent Protein Gel Stain, which can be imaged using a UV transilluminator, visible light gel imager, or laser-based gel scanner (such as a Typhoon® scanner). Blazin' Bright™ Luminescent UV gives a better signal on a UV box than Blazin' Bright™ Luminescent, but is not compatible with a blue light illuminator or laser-based scanner.

Storage/Handing: Store at room temperature.

Product Specifications

Catalog ID P-825
Storage/Handling Store at 4°C.

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Catalog Number:
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On Sale:
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$12.99 Ground shipping (In continental US only.)

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