pSuperAgro™ v4tet Plasmid (pBBRacdSgabTtet)
Product Description
Introducing a new family of Agrobacterium helper plasmids, pSuperAgro™! These plasmids can greatly enhance gene transfer into various species of plants during Agrobacterium-mediated transformation. This increased efficiency provides a significant time and labor savings.
Sold as "Transformation Ready" DNA and offered at a low price to encourage rapid adoption of this exciting new technology. The purchase of this product includes a 1-year subscription to use pSuperAgro™ in your research.
pSuperAgro™ v4 was designed to include AcdS and GabT activity, driven by a single lac promoter, which both suppresses ethylene evolution and degrades gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) during co-cultivation. The combined suppression of ethylene and reduction of GABA significantly increases T-DNA transfer and increases transient and stable transformation frequencies in both tomato and grass plants.
AcdS activity is beneficial for higher callus induction frequency and also suppresses callus browning phenomena. GabT activity decreases GABA content locally in plant cells and induces higher shoot regeneration, decreasing the number of cotyledons used for transformation and reducing the time and labor required for transformation. This plasmid has been shown to be efficacious in both Hardy Pampas Grass (E. Ravennae) and Tomato plants (S. Lycopersicum).
pSuperAgro™ v4tet has been modified to provide tetracycline resistance instead of the original pSuperAgro™ V4’s gentamicin resistance. This allows the helper plasmid to be used in conjunction with our other GoldBio Agrobacterium strains, including the widely used GV3101 strain.These products are sold under license by GoldBio and require a signed agreement before fulfillment. See license details below in the technical documents.
- Ethylene evolution suppression
- Reduced GABA content
- Higher callus induction frequency
- Reduced callus browning
- Induces higher shoot regeneration
- Increased transient and stable transformation efficiencies
Product Specifications
Concentration: 0.02 μg/μL in TE
Volume: 50 μL
Backbone size: 7480 bp
Vector type: Helper vector
Promoter: Lac
Bacterial Resistance(s): Tetracycline
Copy number: Low Copy
Vector Map

GoldBio Vector Map and Sequence for pSuperAgro™ v4tet
pSuperAgro™ v4tet Plasmid DNA is at 0.02 μg/μL concentration in TE buffer.
Store all plasmids at -20°C.
- Nonaka, S., Sugawara, M., Minamisawa, K., Yuhashi, K. I., & Ezura, H. (2008). 1-Aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate deaminase enhances Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated gene transfer into plant cells. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 74(8), 2526-2528.
- Nonaka, S., Someya, T., Zhou, S., Takayama, M., Nakamura, K., & Ezura, H. (2017). An Agrobacterium tumefaciens strain with gamma-aminobutyric acid transaminase activity shows an enhanced genetic transformation ability in plants. Scientific reports, 7(1), 42649.
- Nonaka, S., Someya, T., Kadota, Y., Nakamura, K., & Ezura, H. (2019). Super-Agrobacterium ver. 4: improving the transformation frequencies and genetic engineering possibilities for crop plants. Frontiers in plant science, 10, 1204.