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Product Description

Icariin is a prenylflavonoid with anti-cancer properties and is studied for its diverse signaling effects observed in vivo. It has been documented to stimulate pathways that induce osteogenesis, decrease inflammation and promote angiogenesis.

Icariin has been shown in vivo to induce mice bone formation through upregulating runt-related transcription factor 2 (Runx2) genes and increasing bone morphogenic protein expression. These prompt osteogenic differentiation and bone development. Also, icariin invokes marrow stromal cell proliferation via increased alkaline phosphatase activity.

In vitro, icariin has been used to induce apoptosis by generating reactive oxygen species (ROS) and stimulating c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) activity. Both of these apoptosis inducing processes compromise mitochondrial membranes to release cytochrome c. The generation of ROS causes direct damage to the membrane while JNK prompts downstream molecules to form pores in mitochondrial membranes.

Icariin has also been shown to inhibit nuclear factor-κB (NF-κB) expression, decreasing cytokine production. Additionally, icariin innervates phosphoinositide 3-kinase/protein kinase B (PI3K/AKT) cell cycle pathways. The PI3K/AKT pathway has been demonstrated in vitro to induce angiogenesis, following the addition of icariin.

Product Specifications

Formula: C33H40O15

MW: 676.66 g/mol

Storage/Handling: Store desiccated at 4°C.

PubChem Chemical ID: 5318997


Product Specifications

Catalog ID I-215
CAS # 489-32-7
MW 676.66 g/mol

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