Tridecyl beta-D-maltopyranoside

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Product Description

Tridecyl b-D-maltopyranoside is a disaccharide derivative and glycoside which is applied as a non-ionic detergent and surfactant. In studies on membrane protein crystallization, Tridecyl b-D-maltopyranoside proved to be an effective detergent for maintaining protein solubility but necessitates the presence of salt. Tridecyl b-D-maltopyranoside has a longer chain length than Decyl β-D-maltopyranoside, another detergent used on membrane protein crystallization. Decyl β-D-maltopyranoside has been used in micellar electrokinetic chromatography to study enantiomer separation of drugs.

Product Specifications
Tridecyl b-D-maltopyranoside
Tridecyl β-D-maltoside
Tridecyl 4-O-α-D-glucopyranosyl-β-D-glucopyranoside

Formula: C25H48O11

MW: 524.64 g/mol

Storage/Handling: Store at room temperature.

PubChem Chemical ID: 9914777

Product Specifications

Catalog ID T-290
CAS # 93911-12-7
MW 524.64 g/mol

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