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Product Description

Dacarbazine (DTIC) is an anti-cancer prodrug that has been used as a standard for comparing the efficacy of new antineoplastic compounds. It is used with other anti-cancer compounds to both increase potency and disrupt side-effects generated by DTIC. While being a strong antineoplastic agent, DTIC has also been shown to stimulate interleukin 8 (IL8) and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) expression in cancer cells.

DTIC is transformed by liver enzymes into its active methyl diazonium cation form. The active form of DTIC has displayed anti-tumor activity following light exposure. It has been shown that the light exposure catalyzes methyl diazonium cation to form a carbine and aryl radical. These radicals damage DNA of malignant cancer cells, producing cytotoxic effects and eventual cell death.

Product Specifications

Formula: C6H10N6O

MW: 182.18 g/mol

Storage/Handling: Store desiccated at 4°C. Protect from light.

PubChem Chemical ID: 5353562

Product Specifications

Catalog ID D-540
CAS # 4342-03-4
MW 182.18 g/mol

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