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Product Description

Spermine is a polyamine derived from spermidine. It is involved in the cellular metabolism of all eukaryotic cells, as well as being vital to some bacteria.

Due to its polycationic nature, nonviral gene therapy applications involving spermine have shown promising results. This has had a positive impact in cancer research involving the lungs.

Gene transfer within the lungs is met with many obstacles due to inflammatory and immunological responses. Using spermine or using modified spermine as a gene delivery vehicle to transfect living cells has bypassed some of these obstacles, showing higher gene expression.

Product Specifications

Formula: C10H26N4

MW: 202.35 g/mol

Storage/Handling: Store desiccated at 4°C. Protect from light and air.

Product Specifications

Catalog ID S-730
CAS # 71-44-3
MW 202.35 g/mol
Storage/Handling Store desiccated at 4°C. Protect from light and air.

Technical Documentation

P Protocol
O Other
C Certificate of Analysis
S Safety Data Sheet

View Sizes & Pricing

Catalog Number:
{{ currentSelection && currentSelection.sku ? currentSelection.sku : '...' }}
CAS Number:
{{ casNumber && casNumber.value ? casNumber.value : '...' }}
On Sale:
${{ currentSelection.price }} ${{ currentSelection.sale_price }}
{{ currentSelection.availability }}
$12.99 Ground shipping (In continental US only.)

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