Oxytetracycline Dihydrate

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Product Description

Oxytetracycline is a tetracycline antibiotic derived from Streptomyces rimosus. It targets gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria and several Mycoplasma species. Oxytetracycline has been used to study its resistance gene, otrA and in fluorescence analysis of liver cells.

Additionally, oxytetracycline is used as a selective agent in OGYE, a selective medium for yeasts and molds. It has been used to prevent fire blight in apples and pears and has been shown to be a better alternative to streptomycin against fire blight disease.

Tetracyclines are antibiotics made up of a four-ring system. They bind the 30s ribosomal subunit, preventing the aminoacyl-tRNA from attaching to the A site. Consequently, protein synthesis is inhibited. Resistance is conferred through active efflux, protection of ribosomes, or tetracycline inactivation.

Antibiotics are often used in clinical in vitro tests known as antimicrobial susceptibility tests or ASTs to determine their efficacy against certain bacterial species. They are tested against gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria using panels, discs, and MIC strips by medical microbiologists. ASTs decrease the risk of using an antibiotic against bacteria exhibiting resistance to it, and the results are used in clinical settings to determine which antibiotic(s) to prescribe for various infections.

Product Specifications
Oxytetracycline Dihydrate


Formula: C22H24N2O9 ∙ 2H2O

MW: 496.46 g/mol

Storage/Handling: Store at 2-8 °C. This product is light sensitive and is soluble in acids and bases (pH 1.2 = 31 mg/mL; pH 9.0 = 38 mg/mL).

PubChem Chemical ID: 54680691

Product Specifications

Catalog ID O-400
CAS # 6153-64-6
MW 496.46 g/mol

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