Product Description

Lysozyme is an enzyme capable of breaking down the bacterial cell wall, and is typically used to enhance protein extractions or nucleic acid extractions. It works by hydrolyzing the 1,4-β-linkages located between the N-acetylmuramic acid and the N-acetyl-D-glucosamine residues in peptidoglycan.

Gram-positive cells have an increased susceptibility to the actions of lysozyme since gram-positive cells have a higher quantity of peptidoglycan in the cell wall. Gram-negative cells are less vulnerable, but can still be hydrolyzed in the presence of EDTA.

Unit Definition: 1 FIP unit of lysozyme is the amount of Enzyme that hydrolyzes under the standard conditions 1 mmole of a Micrococcus lysodeikticus per minute.


  • Enzymatic digestion of bacterial cell walls
  • Enhancement of protein or nucleic acid extractions
  • Antibacterial activity against gram positive bacteria
  • Model protein


Store at -20°C.
Avoid freeze/thaw cycles

Working Concentration

Make stock solutions at 10 mg/ml in 10mM Tris-HCl, pH 8.0
Working concentration should be between 0.1-1.0 mg/ml.

Product Specifications

Catalog ID L-040
Name(s) Lysozyme, Egg White
CAS # 12650-88-3
Activity >45,000 FIP U/mg
Storage/Handling Store at -20°C.

View Sizes & Pricing

Catalog Number:
{{ currentSelection && currentSelection.sku ? currentSelection.sku : '...' }}
CAS Number:
{{ casNumber && casNumber.value ? casNumber.value : '...' }}
On Sale:
${{ currentSelection.price }} ${{ currentSelection.sale_price }}
{{ currentSelection.availability }}
$12.99 Ground shipping (In continental US only.)

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