Enzyme Inhibitors

Enzyme inhibitors have many applications in a variety of scientific fields. These molecules are capable of binding to enzymes and reducing their activity. This is particularly important in regulating a metabolic pathway or in the purification of proteins. GoldBio offers a superior selection of enzyme inhibitors. Many are known for their potency and have either reversible or irreversible effects.
Showing 41-47 of 47 items.


Catalog ID Size Pricing
H-510-5 5 g $ 84.00
H-510-25 25 g $ 313.00


Hydroxyurea is a compound used in anti-cancer research to inhibit DNA synthesis and in sickle cell research for ways to alleviate symptoms. It has been shown to be a potent inhibitor of ribonucleotide reductase which reduces ribonucleotides to deoxyribonucleotides.

In vivo research has shown hydroxyurea converting into a free radical nitric oxide which binds the active site of ribonucleotide reductase, ceasing further DNA synthesis. The mechanism of nitric oxide release from hydroxyurea is not well understood.

Hydroxyurea has also been shown to alleviate sickle cell anemia through its conversion to nitric oxide in vivo. Nitric oxide alleviates endogenous nitric oxide loss, caused by hemolysis, and stimulates soluble guanylate cyclase (sGC) activity which will signal fetal hemoglobin production.

Product Specifications

Catalog ID H-510
CAS # 127-07-1
MW 76.05 g/mol
Packs & Pricing
H-510-5 2-3 Weeks 5 g $ 84.00
H-510-25 2-3 Weeks 25 g $ 313.00


Catalog ID Size Pricing
I-205-100 100 mg $ 57.00
I-205-1 1 g $ 401.00


Imazapyr is imidazolinone family herbicide that has been used to research herbicidal resistances and biochemical pathways in an array of plants. This compound has been shown to uncompetitively inhibit acetolactate synthase (ALS) which catalyzes the production of the amino acids valine, leucine and isoleucine. Loss of these specific amino acids depletes physiologically important proteins and enzymes, eventually resulting in cell death.

Product Specifications

Catalog ID I-205
CAS # 81334-34-1
MW 261.28 g/mol
Storage/Handling Store desiccated at 4°C.
Packs & Pricing
I-205-100 2-3 Weeks 100 mg $ 57.00
I-205-1 In stock 1 g $ 401.00

Leupeptin Hemisulfate

Catalog ID Size Pricing
L-010-5 5 mg $ 55.00
L-010-25 25 mg $ 105.00
L-010-100 100 mg $ 335.00


Leupeptin hemisulfate (Ac-Leu-Leu-argininal) is a reversible inhibitor of serine and cysteine endopeptidases. Leupeptin hemisulfate is capable of inhibiting plasmin, trypsin, papain, kallikrein, calpain and cathepsin B. Leupeptin is usually used in a concentration range of 10 to 100μM. Leupeptin is widely used in many protease inhibitor cocktails due to its potency, low toxicity, and range of inhibition. Leupeptin is also used in a quantitative assay to measure macroautophagic flux in mammals and is being investigated for its use in treating malaria.

Product Specifications

Catalog ID L-010
CAS # 103476-89-7
MW 475.59 g/mol
Storage/Handling Store at -20°C.
Packs & Pricing
L-010-5 In stock 5 mg $ 55.00
L-010-25 In stock 25 mg $ 105.00
L-010-100 In stock 100 mg $ 335.00

Pepstatin A

Catalog ID Size Pricing
P-020-5 5 mg $ 49.00
P-020-25 25 mg $ 145.00
P-020-100 100 mg $ 415.00


Pepstatin A is a competitive, reversible aspartic protease inhibitor and inhibits proteases such as pepsin, chyomsin, renin, HIV proteases, and cathepsins D and E. Peptstatin A is highly selective and is often used in a mixture with other enzyme inhibitors. In vitro studies have shown pepstatin A is the only aspartic acid inhibitor that exhibits inhibitory effects on HIV proteases.

Pepstatin A is effective at inhibiting most affected proteases at a concentration of 1μM, but can inhibit pepsin at the picomolar range of concentrations. It is believed to function by way of a collected-substrate inhibition mechanism. Pepstatin A may also suppress differentiation of osteoclasts by inhibiting phosphorylation of MAP kinase and inhibiting NFATc1 expression.

Product Specifications

Catalog ID P-020
CAS # 26305-03-3
MW 685.89 g/mol
Packs & Pricing
P-020-5 In stock 5 mg $ 49.00
P-020-25 In stock 25 mg $ 145.00
P-020-100 In stock 100 mg $ 415.00


Catalog ID Size Pricing
P-125-1 1 g $ 402.00
P-125-2.5 2.5 g $ 836.00
P-125-5 5 g $ 1,393.00


No description available

Product Specifications

Catalog ID P-125
CAS # 63407-54-5
MW 300.37 g/mol
Storage/Handling Store at 4°C. Protect from light.
Packs & Pricing
P-125-1 2-3 Weeks 1 g $ 402.00
P-125-2.5 2-3 Weeks 2.5 g $ 836.00
P-125-5 2-3 Weeks 5 g $ 1,393.00

Sodium Orthovanadate

Catalog ID Size Pricing
S-930-25 25 g $ 45.00
S-930-50 50 g $ 79.00
S-930-100 100 g $ 125.00
S-930-250 250 g $ 275.00


Sodium orthovanadate is a general competitive inhibitor of tyrosine specific phosphatases, acid and alkaline phosphatases and ATPases. Phosphatase inhibition from Vanadate may be completely reversed by dilution or by the addition of EDTA.

Product Specifications

Catalog ID S-930
CAS # 13721-39-6
MW 183.91 g/mol
Storage/Handling Store at room temperature.
Packs & Pricing
S-930-25 In stock 25 g $ 45.00
S-930-50 In stock 50 g $ 79.00
S-930-100 In stock 100 g $ 125.00
S-930-250 In stock 250 g $ 275.00

Trypsin Inhibitor, Soybean, Purified >10,000 U

There is no image for Trypsin Inhibitor, Soybean, Purified >10,000 U Trypsin Inhibitor, Soybean, Purified >10,000 U
Catalog ID Size Pricing
T-166-100 100 mg $ 115.00
T-166-500 500 mg $ 415.00
T-166-1 1 g $ 741.00


Trypsin inhibitor is a serine protease inhibitor from soybeans that is specific for trypsin and trypsin-like proteases. Trypsin inhibitor from soybeans is a monomeric protein containing 181 amino acid residues in a single polypeptide chain cross-linked by two disulfide bridges. Soybean trypsin inhibitor forms a 1:1 complex with the active protease site. Inhibition may be reversed and is pH dependent. The optimal pH for trypsin binding is 8.0.

Product Specifications

Catalog ID T-166
CAS # 9035-81-8
Storage/Handling Store desiccated at -20°C.
Packs & Pricing
T-166-100 In stock 100 mg $ 115.00
T-166-500 2-3 Weeks 500 mg $ 415.00
T-166-1 2-3 Weeks 1 g $ 741.00

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