Agarose for Electrophoresis

Gold Biotechnology supplies agarose for all of your gel electrophoreses. GoldBio agaroses have a superior resolution and low EEO to promote electrophoretic mobility and minimal band distortion. Our standard LE agarose can be used for a wide range of nucleotide sizes as well as concentrations and also comes in a convenient tablet form so that you can skip that messy weigh out process. Additionally, GoldBio carries a high resolution agarose for use with very small size nucleotides and a low melting agarose for easier digestion and purification of DNA fragments.

Showing 1-3 of 3 items.

Agarose LE (Molecular Biology Grade)

Catalog ID Size Pricing
A-201-100 100 g $ 125.00
A-201-500 500 g $ 415.00
A-201-1000 1 kg $ 705.00


Agarose LE (Low Electroendosmosis) is Molecular Biology Grade and is specifically designed for the superior separation of nucleic acids, with maximally crisp band resolution, and is also ideal for cloning and cloning related experiments.

GoldBio Agarose LE is refined in an advanced process that excludes the use of organic solvents. The result is a cleaner end-product with significantly reduced environmental impact. The agarose can be used for analyses of nucleic acids from 50 bp to 25 kbp, protein electrophoresis and various blotting protocols.

The low EEO of the agarose promotes increased electrophoretic mobility, yielding improved resolution and shorter run times. This also allows macromolecules and larger particles (subcellular fragments, viruses, etc.) to migrate more freely through the gel matrix. The consistently low EEO reduces band distortion (caused by counterflow) that can result from the presence of excessive sulfate-rich negative ions.

Agarose is a natural product that forms an inert matrix used in electrophoresis, chromatography and other molecular biology and biochemistry techniques. Likewise, it is neutral and easily derivatizable, so it is easy to bind to its structure proteins like enzymes, antigens or antibodies. Toxicity absence makes working with agarose very convenient.

Product Specifications

Catalog ID A-201
CAS # 9012-36-6
Storage/Handling Store at room temperature.
Packs & Pricing
A-201-100 In stock 100 g $ 125.00
A-201-500 In stock 500 g $ 415.00
A-201-1000 In stock 1 kg $ 705.00

Camptothecin (Mappia foetida)

Catalog ID Size Pricing
C-565-50 50 mg $ 67.00
C-565-100 100 mg $ 107.00
C-565-250 250 mg $ 241.00


Camptothecin is an alkaloid compound used as an anti-cancer agent. It is a topoisomerase I inhibitor in DNA synthesis. Camptothecin has been shown to bind and stabilize a topoisomerase I-DNA complex in vitro, preventing the enzyme from reannealing DNA strands. This inhibition specifically effects the S-phase of cell development and ultimately results in apoptosis due to damaged DNA.

Camptothecin is found in Mappia foetida (Nothapodytes foetida), a plant native to eastern India. The compound itself is produced by an endosymbiotic Ascomycota (Phycomycete) fungi. Camptothecin (Camptotheca acuminata), (GoldBio Catalog # C-705) has also been produced by endosymbiotic fungi present in Camptotheca acuminata, which is a tree predominantly found in southern China.

Product Specifications

Catalog ID C-565
CAS # 7689-03-4
MW 348.35 g/mol
Packs & Pricing
C-565-50 2-3 Weeks 50 mg $ 67.00
C-565-100 2-3 Weeks 100 mg $ 107.00
C-565-250 2-3 Weeks 250 mg $ 241.00

Low Melt Agarose

Catalog ID Size Pricing
A-204-25 25 g $ 145.00
A-204-100 100 g $ 315.00


Low Melting (LM) Agarose is a low melting temperature agarose with the highest resolving capacity for large DNA fragments, including PCR products.

Low melting temperature allows for the recovery of undamaged nucleic acids below denaturation temperature. Low gelling temperature ensures In-Gel applications can be performed in remelted agarose, avoiding difficult DNA extraction steps.

Low Melting Agarose is ideal for digestion by agarose enzymes, which makes it very easy to recover large DNA fragments suitable for cloning or enzymatic processing.

Product Specifications

Catalog ID A-204
CAS # 9012-36-6
Storage/Handling Store at room temperature.
Packs & Pricing
A-204-25 In stock 25 g $ 145.00
A-204-100 In stock 100 g $ 315.00

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