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3 Methods for Verifying Your DNA Plasmids
Have you ever heard the phrase “measure twice, cut once?” In woodworking, this means making sure you...

5 Key Features of DNA Plasmids Explained
Have you heard of DNA plasmids, sometimes called DNA vectors, but you aren’t quite sure what exactly...

4 Important Applications for Protein Purification Using Ion Exchange Chromatography
Ion Exchange Chromatography is routinely sandwiched between affinity and size exclusion steps in an...
Develop the Best Protocol for Protein Purification with Ion Exchange Chromatography (IEX)
Does it ever feel like the hardest part of a project is just getting started on the dang thing? For...

An Overview on Ion-Exchange Chromatography
Have you ever heard the saying “opposites attract”? Well, it turns out this phrase is true in the mo...

The 2 Common Types of Ion Exchange Chromatography: Anion vs. Cation
Ion exchange chromatography includes a suite of related methods that purify proteins based on their...

3 Common Reasons for Protein Isoelectric Point Discrepancies
Is your protein not sticking to the ion exchange column when you thought it should have? As frustrat...

How Detergents are Extremely Useful in Bioscience Experiments
Detergents are versatile chemical tools. But how exactly do they help in experiments? Some detergen...

Charged up: The Complexities and Significance of Protein Charge in Protein Purification
Do you know what really charges me up? Discussing protein electrostatics, of course! Proteins are m...