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11 Tips for Thriving in the Lab
It is really intimidating being new in a lab. Honestly, even if you’ve been in a lab for a while it’...

First CRISPR Therapies Approved for Sickle Cell Disease and beta-Thalassemia: New Genetic Medicines
It’s estimated that there are over ten thousand diseases that afflict humans (Smith et al, 2022). On...

The Feline Physicist: A Brief Story of Professional Discord and Reconciliation
If you look up the Google Scholar page of FDC Willard, you will see that this scientist published tw...

From Basic to Deadly: The Impact of pH on Protein Function and Cancer Progression
You may have heard that cancer is a genetic disease, and that is true for many types of cancers. The...
Beyond pH 7 - Biologically Relevant pH In Diverse Environments
In Flatland, a novel by Edwin Abbott, a square narrates his flat two-dimensional world and his dream...

Maximizing Your Gut Health with Exercise: What Research Says
Physical exercise is one of the most effective ways to achieve a healthy life. Exercise exerts benef...

The Gut Microbiome: Its Role in Exercise Motivation and Performance
Your gut is a reservoir of microorganisms – your gut microbiome. On average, our gut microbiome has...

Everything About Luciferin and Luciferase
Within the realm of science and medicine, the terms luciferin and luciferase may have been commonpla...

Productivity Tips for Scientists Working from Home
Leonardo Da Vinci famously said, “While you are alone you are entirely your own master.” We’re all...