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How to Survive and Complete a Thesis or a Dissertation
Writing a thesis or a dissertation can be a challenging process for many graduate students. There ar...

Mistakes you Might be Making in your Scientific Writing
There has been a recent push toward developing programs and workshops focused on improving writing s...

Visualizing Data - Quick Tips for your Publication
Why should data be visually presented? We as people are visual in nature, and presenting data in vis...

A Quick Guide to Literary Research
At this point, we’ve become very aware that good sources for our papers are peer-reviewed sources. T...

12 Ways to Dramatically Improve your Research Manuscript Title and Abstract
The first thing a person doing literary research will see is a research publication title. After tha...

Easy Exercises and Resources to Significantly Improve your Research Manuscript
Who has time for practice? Mostly no one, not when it comes to manuscript writing anyway. But in cas...

Why Science Publications Remain Difficult to Read Despite Calls for Change
With social media platforms such as Twitter, Instagram, Reddit, YouTube and Facebook, more scientist...