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How Diet Affects Your Gut Microbiome
We often hear, "you are what you eat." However, we are feeding a lot more than just ourselves when w...

How Plants Deal With Stress: The Science Behind Plant Stress Signaling
Since plants cannot move, they face many environmental stresses. Plants have to deal with changes in...

Plant Imaging
Most people are familiar with the phrase ¨A picture is worth a thousand words¨, and especially in th...
How Fruit Ripens
There are no words to describe the moment when eating a rich, juicy fruit. The scent, the taste, the...

Plant Omics Overview
If you’re new to omics, or not familiar, omics is a recent scientific field in biology, where large...

How To Interpret RT-qPCR Results
You have just finished your real-time quantitative reverse transcription PCR or RT-qPCR experiment....

10 Detailed Tips for RT-qPCR Success Plus Important Checklist
Although real-time quantitative reverse transcription PCR, or RT-qPCR, is a powerful tool for many d...

Deep Overview About RT-qPCR
Real-time quantitative reverse transcription PCR or qRT-PCR is a technique used in molecular biology...

Guide to Plant DNA Extraction
Extracting plant DNA can be a little easier than RNA because DNA is double-stranded, making it more...