Featured Articles


15 Great Biological Discoveries that Revolutionized Life Science
In the long history of biology, there have been so many amazing discoveries! Advancements in the ori...

The Extraordinary Monarch Butterflies
The southern journey of the monarch butterfly is probably one of the longest routes taken for any in...

Evolution from a Holobiont’s Perspective
Since the second that Darwin stepped off the S.S. Beagle exhilarated by thoughts of how species dive...

Featuring the Coolest Floating Tube Rack Creations
The GoldBio Floating Tube Rack is one of our more clever giveaways because of the unique purpose it...

The Microbiome of the Litter Box, Cats and Human Health
Our increasing awareness of the human microbiome has promoted research on bacteria, fungi, pat...

Starting your First Evernote Electronic Lab Notebook in 10 Easy Steps (With Videos)
If you’re ready to transition from a paper-based lab notebook to an electronic lab notebook, here...

Demystifying Material Grades for Your Laboratory
Whether it’s in a chemical’s title or its description, there is usually a note about a reagent’s g...

20 Answers to Important Proteinase K Questions – Plus Free Printable Fact Sheet
A lot of questions pop up when it comes to using proteinase K, such as how to inactivate proteinase...

Becoming a Cell Minimalist - Scientists Synthesize Bare Essential Bacterial Genome
In the Search for the Essentials of a Minimal Life-form - Learn about the obstacles Venter, Smith...